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At, we strive to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases. If you are not satisfied, we are here to help. Please read our combined Refund, Returns, and Cancellation Policy carefully.
You can return most new, unopened items within 7 days of delivery for a full refund. To be eligible for a return:
Certain types of items cannot be returned, including:
To initiate a return, please follow these steps:
You will be responsible for paying your own shipping costs for returning the item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.
Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your original payment method within [X business days].
If you received a defective or damaged item, you may request an exchange for the same item. Please follow the return process outlined above.
If you haven’t received a refund yet, please check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company; it may take some time before your refund is officially posted. If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund, please contact us at
You can cancel your order within [48 hours/days] of placing it, provided that it has not already been processed or shipped. To cancel your order, please contact our Customer Support team at or call 9216897585 with your order details.
To successfully cancel your order:
If your order is canceled successfully:
Certain items may not be eligible for cancellation, including:
If you wish to make changes to your order (such as modifying quantities or shipping details), please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request before the order is processed.
For any questions regarding our Refund, Returns, and Cancellation Policy, please contact us at:
Address: 08 Sheopur Road, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur, 302033, India
Phone: 9216897585
Mob 9216897585 Email
08 sheopur road Pratap nagar jaipur 302033
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